LED Lighting Solutions
Energy Delta is a company that is committed to achieving energy savings for our customers. As such, we use and recommend high quality LED lighting products for the domestic and commercial sectors, to enable our customers to see significant reductions in their energy use.
Here at Energy Delta we believe that the way of the lighting future is high efficiency LED light globes which will enable the average household or commercial property to achieve energy reductions that are significant when compared to using Halogen globes and the current version of CFL’s and Fluorescent Tubes.
Energy efficient LED globes are true energy saving lights, as they use significantly less power than the current Halogens and CFL’s to produce a similar amount of light, and they do not use unnecessary electricity in emitting the waste heat that these globes do. This reduction in electricity consumption will also achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions, and will help households and commercial premises in achieving their carbon reduction targets.

LED Lighting: for The Corporate Market, Hotels, Commercial Premises, Shopping Centres, and for Domestic Households.
Smart Energy Use for the Future
The way that we use our energy needs careful planning , and in these changing times, all of us should be aware of the need to use our energy wisely. With the price of electricity on the rise, it’s time to take measures that reduce the amount of energy that we use on a daily basis. At Energy Delta, we believe that high efficiency LED lighting is the way of the future, in that it not only significantly reduces the amount of electricity used for our lighting, but also correspondingly reduce the carbon equivalent output for our homes and commercial buildings.
LED Lighting
LED lighting is not a new idea, having been around in technical applications (mainly computers and machinery) since the early 1960’s, but it’s only in recent years that the technology has reached the level where white LED light can be successfully applied in commercial and domestic lighting situations. The current LED lights use a technology which allows them to produce a similar amount of light for significantly less power than the current range of light globes.
Traditional lighting is very inefficient in converting electricity to light, with the majority of the electrical energy used by the globe being wasted as heat. Incandescent and Halogen globes will lose over 90% of their energy as heat, so that only a small percentage of energy is converted into light.
LED globes, on the other hand, emit much smaller amounts of heat in the generation of their light, meaning they achieve a far greater efficiency than the Halogens and CFL’s, so that a similar amount of light is produced for a significantly lower amount of power.
With the price of electricity as it is today, and with further increases projected, domestic and commercial property owners need to be able to reduce their electricity usage.
These LED globes are the true energy saving lights of the future, realising large saving in electricity use and achieving a payback period of generally less than two years.
The life span of the average LED light globe is far in excess of any of the other globes currently being used today, by a factor of 5 when compared to CFL’s, and a factor of 25 against Halogen globes. This reduces the number of globe changes that are needed, thereby save the recurrent purchase costs of the previous globes, and the labour costs associated with the changeover.
Typical Useful Life
Light Source
Fluorescent tubes
LED Lights
Typical Life
1000 hrs
2000 hrs
8000 – 10,000 hrs
10,000 – 20,000 hrs
>50,000 hrs
Benefits of LED lighting
Significantly less power used in generating similar amounts of light.
almost no heat is produced in the operation of the light
air conditioning cost are reduced due to less dispersed heat
long life means fewer globe changes over an equivalent amount of time
available in a wide ‘colour temperature’ range, from warm white to cool white
solid state construction, meaning greater protection against internal damage or breakage
no hazardous materials are present in the globes
do not contain any harmful substances such as mercury(CFL’s) or fluorine (Halogens), and are RoHS approved
Contact us for a complete product list.
LED Lighting For
LED globes are now available as direct replacements for most of the common globes used in commercial and residential properties. This means that the current globes can be replaced with LED globes with a minimum expense, and given that they have a rated life in excess of 50,000 hours, the ongoing cost of globe replacement is also significantly reduced.
With the advance in LED globes over the last couple of years, the quality of the light and the amount of light generated by the LED means that a similar light output can be achieved by a globe with a significantly lower power consumption. This reduced wattage of the LED globe means energy savings of up to 90% when compared with the original globe.
Reduced Energy Costs
With the increase in electricity prices projected to occur over the next few years, and the ongoing requirement to reduce carbon output, energy efficiency is becoming a major consideration for all commercial buildings. Here at Energy Delta, we believe that one way of achieving a significant reduction in energy consumption is by switching to energy efficient LED lighting. On average, the cost reduction on the lighting component of an energy bill will be in the order of 45% – 90%, depending on the mix of lighting used in the building.
LED globes use much less power to generate a similar amount of light, and this lower power consumption will directly reduce the monthly power bill. By using less energy, and by nature of the way they operate, the LED globes also generate significantly less heat, which will translate into additional savings on the amount of power that the air-conditioning use.
Integrated Energy Solutions
By reducing your electricity usage, you are also directly reducing your carbon output. Each state government has promulgated a power factor, whereby reductions in electricity usage (in kWhs) is multiplied by the factor to calculate the amount of carbon that is not put into the atmosphere (calculated in carbon equivalent tonnes: CO2-e). The most efficient way to do this with a large building is to change the light globes over to LED globes, where the savings in power consumption can be as high as 90%.